St Leonard’s is an active parish church, seeking to share God’s love in Jesus Christ in practical ways with the community of Sandridge.
How to support your church.
There are two ways to support St Leonards financially
- Reguarly giving by Parish Giving Scheme (see details below)
- by a Donation directly to our account - Sort code - 30 97 25 Account number- 00005215, or by cheque payable to Sandridge PCC – St Leonard’s sent to Treasurer C/o
Bishop Alan Smith has encouraged us all within the St Albans Diocese to join The Parish Giving Scheme. The Parish Giving Scheme is the safest and most cost-effective way of regularly giving online. Regular, planned giving enables us to carefully budget, knowing the income we are going to receive.
One PCC member says ' Just to let you know that we are now successfully signed up for the PGS and would like to say how easy it is to do, and how helpful the people at the other end of the phone line are.'
How does the Scheme work?
- On the 1st working day of the month your regular donation to St Leonard’s is collected by Direct Debit, either on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, whichever you prefer.
- Your full gift is automatically credited to the church within ten days.
- The full amount of any associated Gift Aid is paid to the Church when it is recovered from HMRC, usually by the end of the month (helping our cash flow).
- You can also choose to inflation proof your gift which will make a huge difference to our finances and budget planning.
How to apply
To apply you will need the following information:
- Name and address of your Bank/Building Society
- Sort code, name and number of your account
- Our parish name – St Leonard’s, Sandridge
- Our PGS parish code number – 320632251
- Donation – monthly, quarterly or yearly
- Confirm if you are eligible for Gift Aid or not
- Opt into the annual inflation increase or not
- Decide if you wish to donate anonymously
- Donate as an individual or a couple
- There will also be a reference ‘PGS Thank You’ which will appear on your bank statements
PGS confirmation
Within ten working days you will receive a letter confirming your details. Please check it. There will be a PGS reference number for you (located below the address) which you should use in any future communications with the PGS.
Three simple steps:
- Telephone PGS to arrange to set up your donations (or contact us for the forms)
- Await their confirmation and check it
- If you are currently giving by standing order, you will need to cancel it. Wait until you receive this confirmation.
Peter Hyde is happy to answer any questions you may have. Being generous is not a passive activity: it requires positive action. I am really grateful for your support.
Thank you for your part in the life of St Leonard’s. The St Leonard’s community continues to be amazingly generous in sharing our different resources and talents. Inevitably, during lockdown we are not only missing meeting with one another, but also the financial support of regular cash and blue envelope scheme offerings.
We all have competing demands on our resources, whether they be time or money. So I would be particularly grateful if you would prayerfully consider what you are able to comfortably give, so together we build on the work of those who came before us to continue the life and mission of our church and serve the wonderful people of Sandridge and Jersey Farm.
It costs over £1,200 a week to fund all our work; running the Church, all its activities and paying our Parish Share. We get no financial support from government or the diocese of St Albans; we rely on donations to meet all our ongoing costs. We are currently making a loss and need more than £4,000 a year to balance our books. Small or large, whatever you can offer is of huge value.