Songs of Praise

Songs of Praise Afternoon Tea 

Each summer St Leonard’s hosts Songs of Praise for Churches Together in Marshalswick (CTM). People from each church, or indeed who don’t attend any of them, gather together to enjoy a delicious traditional afternoon tea of  scones with cream and jam, and homemade cake. Hopefully some of the residents of Lyndon will also join us.

This year’s Songs of Praise afternoon tea is

At :  St Leonards Church, 3.00pm

On : Sunday 7 July 2024.

If the weather is fine, we gather around the picnic benches outside the church door. If you prefer, you can bring your own seat or blanket. We will share afternoon and then sing half a dozen well known hymns and the whole event should end around 4.00pm.

There is no charge and no need to book. 

A group of people sitting outside

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Last year’s tea in the churchyard

We hope you can join us.


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